First: This is the clearest shot I got. The camera wants to focus mostly on the gravel, and it's one o'clock in the morning. At the bottom is watercress with the darker green leaves, above that are the two verigated water parsly (celery) putting out new leaves already. Everything is growing so very quickly. Above that, one of the mini hyacinth and what's left of the Azolla.
Second: The water poppy. The three biggest leaves are all that's left of the leaves it came with, all the rest are new. What we thought was a flower bud is in fact a second runner with a leaf just opening up on the surface. The first runner has three leaves already. In that last picture you can also see very clearly the "free floating" algae sitting on the bottom. Water channeling leaves those open spaces so very reminiscent of sponge osculum.
Third: The spider lily. Is more Holly's plant, but I might like it more once it's all grown in and blooming. Notice concrete support to keep birds from knocking it over.
Fourth: The mosaic plant. Very fuzzy, but you can almost make out the two tiny little shoots growing off the piece of stem. Not much to look at you say? Well, that's what the first one we got looked like and this is what it grew into. In the new shot, you can see my thumb as I lift up the screen used, once again, to keep out the birds. I fully intend to keep several cuttings alive through this winter. *shakes fist*
Fifth: An aquatic plant in the same family as parrot's feather and the dreaded eurasian water milfoil. I know nothing about it. In this shot it's covered in algae. Another good veiw of the channeling.
The next two are kind of fuzzy. Will replace ASAP.
Sixth: The "two leaved water fern". All but one of those leaves is new. There were two pieces of that in out shipment but the other seems to have not made it. This one seems to be doing well enough however, that I'm not worried. :D
Seventh: The four leaf clover. Isn't really a clover, but very similar leaf shape. This is the piece of runner I ripped out of the old pot. High time to restart it anyway.
Will update more as it grows in. Has been up and running full time for less than two weeks and already, the main pond has cleared up dramatically. Another week or two and I'll be right where I want to be, next to my crystal clear pond.